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Assisted Laser Hatching

Assisted Laser Hatching

Assisted Laser hatching is a procedure performed to assist the embryo to implant into the uterine cavity for development. The implantation of the embryo into the uterine lining requires hatching from the outer protein layer known as Zonapellucida. The main reason for an implantation failure is considered due to the inability of the embryo to hatch out from this protein layer. Assisted hatching makes it easy for the embryo to hatch providing an early embryo-endometrium contact that favors the implantation of embryo into the uterus.


With the advancement of laser technology, numerous fragile and extremely vigilant procedures can be performed with precision and accuracy using laser beams. A Rathimed Fertility Centre, we rely on the laser technology for performing the assisted hatching procedure to maneuver the embryos for enhanced fertility. Laser-assisted hatching is useful to increase the chances of pregnancy by helping in the implantation of embryos in the uterine wall.

Laser Assisted Hatching is suggested to patients who have undergone through following conditions:

  • Previously failed IVF and ICSI cycles
  • Those who rely on frozen embryo transfer
  • High maternal age
  • High Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) level in female partner
  • Thick protein layer coating of the embryo
  • Poor growth of the embryo

Assisted Laser Hatching procedure

Assisted laser hatching is a two-step process and involves:

  • Light Pulsing: During this step, the embryo is framed by a circle of light to show the circumference of the cells. Next the laser beams are pulsed and centered to one side of the embryo attempting to dissolve and create holes in the outer protein layer. The process is performed delicately at regular intervals of time to ensure that the heat from the laser does not damage the cells of the embryo.
  • Implantation: The assisted embryo is then transferred and placed inside the uterus to implant itself in the uterine lining.

Often, after an IVF procedure, multiple embryos are produced during the fertilization process. Some of these are cryopreserved in the hope that the couples can use them later. The preservation process involves a sequence of freezing and thawing that may adversely affect the natural process of blastocyst hatching. In such circumstances, assisted laser hatching loosens the outer shell of the thawed embryo allowing it to implant successfully.

Advantages of Assisted Laser hatching

  • Help the embryo to hatch from its outer shell and supports implantation in the uterine wall after embryo transfer
  • Laser beams pulsed at regular intervals of time dissolves and make a small break in the embryo outer shell with very precise increments
  • Requires less handling of the embryo when compared to other assisted hatching methods
  • Safe and faster technique than conventional hatching methods
  • Consumes less time and shields the embryo from toxic chemicals
  • Minimize the exposure of embryo to physical manipulation.
  • Laser assisted hatching (LAH) enables a frozen blastocyst to thaw quickly without compromising on its integrity.
  • Beneficial in women having high maternal age (30-35 years) after repeated implantation failure.

Rathimed Fertility Centre enfolds a team of skilled and experienced fertility specialists to perform all assisted reproductive technology procedures. Rathimed clinicians work to set a clear goal for developing Patient oriented individualized treatment strategies and strive to optimise your odds of conception in every in vitro fertilisation cycle. Assisted Laser hatching is a safe and effective tool to stimulate implantation of embryo in the uterine cavity. To know more about assisted laser hatching process, book an appointment now.


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